Deliver usage-based insurance with
telematics platforms

Our expertise lies in telematics technology, enhancing clients’ data-driven mobility offerings. We help companies launch usage-based insurance policies and personalized behavior-based propositions.

Learn how we help companies leverage telematics-based solutions

Get to know key concepts essential to develop telematics car insurance programs. See how we use our expertise to develop robust telematics car insurance programs that align with industry requirements.

Telematics Platforms

A robust and scalable cloud platform allowing to collect, aggregate, and analyze vast amounts of driving and location data is the foundation for enabling usage-based insurance programs and innovative car insurance products. By combining telematics technology know-how with cloud-native experience, Grape Up engineers build solutions that enable reliable and secure bi-directional exchange of data between edge devices and cloud services. Such solutions enable companies to provide insurance policy based on customer driving habits.

Mobile telematics & apps

Mobile channels are one of the primary innovation enablers for car insurance companies. They serve both as interfaces for end-users and sources of accurate data from any type of tracking device, including gyroscope, accelerometer, or GPS. Grape Up provides broad cross-platform expertise in mobile application development covering multiple mobile operating systems.

3rd party integration

Efficient integration of the telematics platform with various telematics devices, other services and applications, and internal systems enables car insurance companies to fully benefit from deployed telematics insurance solutions. Grape Up engineers deliver expertise in building integration layers at both infrastructure and application-level including communication interfaces, data adapters, and automation mechanisms.

Cloud IoT connectors

Connectivity between the edge device and the cloud must be stable and fast. Mobility devices often operate in limited connectivity conditions, therefore car insurance businesses should leverage multiple methods to ensure an uninterrupted connection. Dynamic switching of cellular, satellite, and WiFi communications combined with globally distributed cloud infrastructure results in reliable transmission and low latency.

Telemetry Data Collection

Efficient and reliable ingestion, transmission, and storage of telemetry data are crucial for enabling data-driven analytics. Grape Up has vast experience with building real-time data streaming platforms and data pipelines capable of gathering data from multiple data sources, transforming it into aggregates or common data structures, and storing it in repositories and data lakes.

See how insurers leverage telematics solutions

Build scalable telematics platforms to enable usage-based program
Ensure stable connectivity with cloud IoT connectors
Collect data from multiple sources
Leverage telematics data across the car insurance value chain
Embrace mobile apps to increase your market share

Build scalable telematics platforms to enable usage-based program

Behavior-based (pay-how-you-drive) and usage-based insurance – UBI – (pay-as-you-drive) are the future of car insurance programs. Together with value-added services like automated crash detection or roadside assistance, they will determine your competitiveness and market share.

On the way to successfully launching auto insurance telematics programs and drive safely services, you need to have the right technology in place. Handling large volumes of real-time data from every telematics device, like connected cars, mobile apps, and black boxes to extract crucial information and offer insights to customers, require a robust and scalable telematics platform.

At Grape Up, we ensure the expertise and experience necessary to build and productionize telematics solutions. Collaborating with our experts, car insurance enterprises successfully deliver new products and services to the market.

Ensure stable connectivity with cloud IoT connectors

To extract the full value from telemetry data and offer valuable insights to your customers, it is crucial to ensure the continuity of data. Every telematics device producing the data (regarding safe driving habits, miles driven, harsh braking, nighttime driving, excessive speeding, distracted driving, rapid acceleration, etc.) often works in conditions of limited or poor connectivity as the broadband coverage varies depending on location. So as your customers move about, they lose connectivity intermittently. To minimize the negative impact this can have on data quality, you need to have a reliable data transmission layer between the edge and the cloud.

Collect data from multiple sources

Telematics-based solutions have come a long way since the early days of rudimentary black boxes. Nowadays, your customers are surrounded by devices that produce data about their driving behavior and driving habits. Tapping into these data sources enriches your comprehension of customers and allows you to apply more advanced analytics and automation solutions. Before you use driving habits data to offer car insurance discounts for customers driving safely, the data must be first ingested, cached, and transmitted to the cloud for further processing. Grape Up can help you build the underlying solutions to unlock the new perspective on your customers that can be used to provide a tailored insurance policy.

Leverage telematics data across the car insurance value chain

Telematics platforms are at the core of building data-driven products and services in the auto insurance market. But these platforms don’t operate in a void- to be useful, they need to communicate with your other internal systems as well as external data sources. This enables your teams across different departments to leverage them to their specific needs- i.e., by combining telematics data and 3rd party data about vehicle equipment and safe driving systems, the underwriting team can assess risk more accurately. We can assist you with seamless integrations within your ecosystem building foundations for your telematics insurance programs.

Embrace mobile apps to increase your market share

Thanks to the advancements in mobile technology and the global availability of fast cellular networks, currently smartphones have all the necessary capabilities to provide accurate telematics data. By launching a smart telematics app, you can simplify the adoption process of the telematics-based products and make the UBI offering readily available to a wider customer group. Such solutions enrich your car insurance offering, providing clients with pay-how-you-drive premium discounts which allow drivers with a good driving history to save money.

Contact us if you’re interested in telematcis solutions

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The controller of the data within the scope provided above is Grape Up spółka z o.o. For full information about processing of personal data please visit Privacy Policy.

Learn more about digital services in automotive

What is telematics technology, and how does it enhance data-driven mobility offerings?

Telematics technology involves the use of devices, mobile apps, and connected car systems to collect and transmit real-time data about driving behavior and vehicle status. By leveraging telematics technology, insurers can access valuable driving data and behavior analysis, enabling them to enhance their data-driven mobility offerings. This technology allows insurers to launch usage-based insurance policies and personalized behavior-based propositions that align with the specific needs and preferences of individual policyholders.

How does real-time data streaming from telematics devices benefit insurers?

Real-time data streaming from telematics devices provides insurers with a wealth of actionable insights. By capturing and analyzing data such as driving patterns, speeds, distances traveled, and vehicle health, insurers can gain a comprehensive understanding of driver behavior and car status. This enables them to accurately assess risk, personalize insurance offerings, and incentivize safe driving practices. Real-time data also allows insurers to proactively monitor and respond to incidents, improving customer service and claims handling efficiency.

What are the advantages of launching usage-based insurance policies and behavior-based propositions?

Launching usage-based insurance policies and behavior-based propositions offers several advantages for insurers and policyholders alike. Usage-based insurance policies allow for more accurate risk assessment and fairer premiums based on actual driving behavior, rewarding safe drivers and encouraging positive behavioral changes. Behavior-based propositions, on the other hand, enable insurers to personalize offerings and provide targeted incentives for specific driving behaviors, such as eco-friendly driving or avoiding high-risk areas. These approaches not only enhance customer satisfaction but also help insurers optimize risk management and improve profitability.