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How to Simplify the Process of Building Production-ready AI Services and Reduce the Time for Resource Management in the Automotive Industry?

While the automotive industry is rapidly changing by adopting a software-first strategy, like in other sectors, automotive enterprises struggle with productionizing AI and ML R&D projects. Machi...

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How to Automate Operationalization of Machine Learning Apps – Running First Project Using Metaflow

In the second article of the series, we guide you on how to run a simple project in an AWS environment using Metaflow. So, let’s get started. Need an introduction to Metaflow? Here is our a...

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Machine Learning at the Edge – Federated Learning in the Automotive Industry

Machine Learning combined with edge computing gains a lot of interest in industries leveraging AI at scale - healthcare, automotive, or insurance. The proliferation of use cases such as autonomous d...

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8 Examples of How AI Drives the Automotive Industry

Just a few years ago, artificial intelligence stirred our imagination via the voice of Arnold Schwarzenegger from "Terminator" or agent Smith from "The Matrix". It wasn't long before the rebellious...

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How to Automate Operationalization of Machine Learning Apps – an Introduction to Metaflow

In this article, we briefly highlight the features of Metaflow, a tool designed to help data scientists operationalize machine learning applications.  Introduction to machine learning operat...

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Building Intelligent Document Processing Systems – Entity Finders

Our journey towards building Intelligent Document Processing systems will be completed with entity finders, components responsible for extracting key information.  This is the third part o...

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Train Your Computer with the Julia Programming Language – Machine Learning in Julia

Once we know the basics of Julia, we focus on its utilization in building machine learning software. We go through the most helpful tools and moving from prototyping to production.  How to...

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Building Intelligent Document Processing Systems – Classification and Validation

We continue our journey towards building Intelligent Document Processing Systems. In this article, we focus on document classification and validation.  This is the second part of the series...

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Train Your Computer with the Julia Programming Language – Introduction

As the Julia programming language is becoming very popular in building machine learning applications, we explain its advantages and suggest how to leverage them.  Python and its ecosystem ...

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Introduction to Building Intelligent Document Processing Systems

Building Intelligent Document Processing systems for financial institutions is challenging. In this article, we share our approach to developing an IDP solution that goes far beyond a simple NLP tas...

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Getting Started with The Julia Language

Are you looking for a programming language that is fast, easy to start with, and trending? The Julia language meets the requirements. In this article, we show you how to take your first steps....

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Personalized Finance as a Key Driver Leading Financial Services Industry into the Future

Personalization in finance is a process that has been steadily developing for the last decade. It’s the most crucial trend you can pay attention to as it captures the essence of what modern consum...

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A Path To a Successful AI Adoption

Artificial Intelligence seems to be a quite overused term in recent years, yet it is hard to argue that it is definitely the greatest technological promise of current times. Every industry strongly...

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How to Expedite Claims Adjustment by Using AI to Improve Virtual Inspection

If we look at the claims adjustment domain from a high-level perspective, we will surely notice it is a very complex set of elements: processes, data, activities, documents, systems, and many others...

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Leveraging AI To Improve VIN Recognition – How To Accelerate and Automate Operations in the Insurance Industry

Here we share our approach to automatic Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) detection and recognition using Deep Neural Networks. Our solution is robust in many aspects such as accuracy, gen...

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