Working with cloud-native applications entails continuously tackling and implementing solutions to cross-cutting concerns. One of these concerns that every project is bound to run into comes to depl...
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This year’s KubeCon was a great occasion to sum up 5 years of Kubernetes and outline its future. It was also a great place to make some important announcements, and we got it. Our team spent those...
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Pair programming has become a popular way of developing the newest products and encouraging team members to share knowledge and grow together. Many of the world’s top enterprises adopt this innova...
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Keeping up with the newest technologies is demanding. A lot of companies tend to do that once in a while, and it is totally understandable. It is hard to follow and discover the perfect momentum to...
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Cloud Foundry Summit 2019 in Philadelphia was the first event on our list of conferences we're heading to this year. It was an excellent season opening and another example that Cloud Foundry communi...
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Working as a platform operator with cloud-native technologies, L2 technical support, and participating in CF installations give a unique opportunity to observe how different companies implement new...
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In this tutorial, I want to show you the whole production process of back-end and front-end swift applications and push the backend side to the heroku cloud. First, please make sure that you...
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Back in the pre-storyboard era of iOS development, developers had to write hundreds of lines of boilerplate code that served to manage UIViewController object hierarchies. Back then, some were inven...
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Nowadays, we can observe many repetitive patterns in existing implementations. From microservices, to MVC layers, or REST APIs. Authorization and authentication are the fundamental parts of applicat...
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Building Swift web applications allows you to reuse the skills you already have. However, you can also start from scratch if you are not an ”iPhone mac„ developer. This article shows you the mos...
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Containers are great. They allow you to move faster with your development team, deploy in reliable and consistent way and scale up to the sky. With some orchestrators it is even better. It helps you...
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Automation helps with all the mundane and error-prone tasks that developers need to do on a daily basis. It also saves a lot of time. For automating iOS beta deployment, a very popular tool is Fastl...
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Cloud is getting extremely popular and ubiquitous. It’s everywhere. Imagine, the famous “everywhere” meme with Buzz and Woody from Toy Story in which Buzz shows Woody an abundance of...whateve...
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Proper backlog maintenance is extremely important for the product to be successful. Usually, it's the Product Owner’s responsibility to manage the backlog. The right approach and tools can be very...
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In the modern world we are inundated with information - TV, radio, newspapers, internet – to the extent that often we need some kind of filters to get only those pieces of information which we fin...
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