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Dependency Injection in Cucumber-JVM: Sharing State Between Step Definition Classes

It's an obvious fact for anyone who's been using Cucumber for Java in test automation that steps need to be defined inside a class. Passing test state from one step definition to another can be easi...

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gRPC Streaming

Previous articles presented what Protobuf is and how it can be combined with gRPC to implement simple synchronous API. However, it didn’t present the true power of gRPC, which is streaming, fully...

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Android Automotive OS 13: How to Build And Run The Latest OS On Raspberry Pi 4B

Building an Android Automotive OS might not be a difficult task on its own, but the lack of good tutorials makes it exceptionally hard. It only gets harder if you don't have at hand any specialized...

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Native App vs. Hybrid App: How to Choose A Solution That Meets Your Business Needs

Every time we start a new project, we organize brainstorming sessions about architecture and how to manage the project. Regarding mobile apps, we have one additional question – should we choose a...

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Build and Run Android Automotive OS on Raspberry Pi 4B

Have you ever wanted to build your own Android? It’s easy according to the official manual, but it’s getting harder on a Windows (or Mac) machine, or if you’d like to run it on physical hardwar...

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gRPC Remote Procedure Call (with Protobuf)

One of the most crucial technical decisions during designing API is to choose the proper protocol for interchanging data. It is not an easy task. You have to answer at least a few important question...

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Protobuf: How To Serialize Data Effectively with Protocol Buffers

In a world of microservices, we often have to pass information between applications. We serialize data into a format that can be retrieved by both sides. One of the serialization solutions is Protoc...

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How to Set Up Kafka Integration Test

Do you consider unit testing as not enough solution for keeping the application's reliability and stability? Are you afraid that somehow or somewhere there is a potential bug hiding in the assumptio...

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Setting Up a Testing Project in Protractor with Cucumber and Page Object Model

For many years, when it came to automating web UI testing, Selenium was the king. And it is safe to say it still is! As a widely known and proven automation testing tool, it is often a default choic...

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AAOS Hello World: How to Build Your First App for Android Automotive OS

Android Automotive OS is getting more recognition as automotive companies are looking to provide their customers with a more tailored experience. Here we share our guide to building the first app fo...

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Challenging Beginnings of Developing Apps for Android Automotive OS

Quite a new droid around. The operating system has been in the market for a while, still missing a lot, but it is out, already implemented in cars, and coming for more. Polestar and Volvo were the f...

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How to Get Effective Computing Services: AWS Lambda

In the modern world, we are constantly faced with the need not only to develop applications but also to provide and maintain an environment for them. Writing scalable, fault-tolerant, and responsive...

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Big Picture of Spring Cloud Gateway 

In my life, I had an opportunity to work in a team that maintains the Api Gateway System. The creation of this system began more than 15 years ago, so it is quite a long time ago considering the rat...

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Cloud Development Overview for Non-Cloud Developers

  Introduction This article covers basic concepts of web applications that are designed to be run in Cloud environment and are intended for software engineers who are not familiar...

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Should UI Testing and API Testing Go Together?

If you have ever worked on writing UI automation tests, you probably came to the point when your test suite is so extensive that it takes a long time to run all the cases. And if the suite keeps on...

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