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Yet Another Look at Cloud-Native Apps Architecture

Cloud is getting extremely popular and ubiquitous. It’s everywhere. Imagine, the famous “everywhere” meme with Buzz and Woody from Toy Story in which Buzz shows Woody an abundance of...whateve...

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7 Tips on How to Manage Backlog in XP

Proper backlog maintenance is extremely important for the product to be successful. Usually, it's the Product Owner’s responsibility to manage the backlog. The right approach and tools can be very...

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Our Way To Reactive Extensions

In the modern world we are inundated with information - TV, radio, newspapers, internet – to the extent that often we need some kind of filters to get only those pieces of information which we fin...

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Capturing Objects in Closures: Why You’re Doing It Wrong? – Part 2

Choose Your Closure Context Wisely In the first part of this article, we defined several simple principles of capturing objects in Closures. According to these principles, the closure code as...

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Capturing Objects in Closures: Why You’re Doing It Wrong? – Part 1

The Basics of Closures Many modern programming languages have a closure concept. Closures are self-contained blocks of functionalities which can be passed around and called. Additionally, the...

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The Love-Hate Relationship Between Testers and Developers

Admit it. Every time we think of the major forces that shape the world such as tech or science, we think of rocket launches, medicine, or even media that form our perceptions. Not many of us think o...

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Top Five Tips for DevOps in the Cloud

At Grape Up, we define DevOps as an engineering culture which unifies software development and operations, from first designs through development to production. If followed correctly, DevOps bridges...

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Oracle Shakes the World of Java Releases

While Java 10 is said to be the new kid on the block, rumors about 11 are already spreading fast. Now, let’s be honest: how many of you have made the upgrade to J10? I can bet that the majority of...

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5 Tips for Transferring Legacy Apps to the Cloud

With the growing popularity of cloud computing, legacy apps are driving toward an impending demise, and transferring legacy apps is becoming a must. Gartner forecasts that the worldwide public cloud...

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In case of a broken repository, break glass: mitigating real-life Git goofs

Imagine that you’re busy with a project that’s become a lifeblood of your company. The release is just a few days away and the schedule is tight. You work overtime or spend your 9-5 switching ba...

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Native Bindings for JavaScript – Why Should I Care?

At the very beginning, let’s make one important statement: I am not a JavaScript Developer. I am a C++ Developer, and with my skill set I feel more like a guest in the world of JavaScript. If you...

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Cloud Native: What Does It Mean for Your Business?

We witness how the world of IT constantly changes. Today, like never before, it is more often defined as “being THE business” rather than just “supporting the business”. In other words, the...

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A Slippery Slope from Agile to Fragile: Treat Your Team with Respect

„Great things in business are never done by one person, they’re done by a team of people.” said Steve Jobs. Now imagine if he didn’t have such Agile approach. Would the iPhone ever e...

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Building An Easy to Maintain, Reusable User Interface on macOS

The value of the user interface What you see inside an app is called the user interface (UI). Undoubtedly, it is an important part of every software, and it’s no piece of cake to wrap the b...

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Steps to Successful Application Troubleshooting in a Distributed Cloud Environment

At Grape Up, when we execute digital transformation, we need to take care of a lot of things. First of all, we need to pick a proper IaaS that meets our needs such as AWS or GCP. Then, we need to ch...

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