Capturing Objects in Closures: Why You’re Doing It Wrong? – Part 2

Choose Your Closure Context Wisely
In the first part of this article, we defined several simple principles of capturing objects in Closures. According to these principles, the closure code associated with a particular instance of a certain type should be considered separately from the code, which is associated either with the global scope or with the type itself. We also came to the conclusion that the pattern with “weakifying” self
and “strongifying” inside the closure should be limited to the code which really depends on self while the other code should be executed independently. But let’s take a closer look at such instance-dependent code. The following proves that the situation is not so obvious.
func uploadFile(url: URL, completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
// Getting file content data from URL
// Creating file info
let fileInfoID = self.databaseController.createRecord(data: fileInfo)
self.remoteFileManager.uploadBinaryData(fileContentData) { [weak self] error in
guard let strongSelf = self else {
if error != nil {
strongSelf.databaseController.removeRecord(recordID: fileInfoID)
} else {
// Wait while server will make needed changes to file info
strongSelf.startTrackingOnServer(recordID: fileInfoID,
completion: completion)
The code above creates a record in the database that contains the file info and loads the file to the server. If the upload is successful, the method will notify the server that changes to the file info should be made. Otherwise, in case of an error, we should remove the file info from the database. Both actions depend on self
, so neither of them can be performed if the object referenced by self
had been deallocated before the completion was called. Therefore, calling the completion at the beginning of the closure with the appropriate error in this case seems to be reasonable.
However, such approach breaks the closure logic. If the error occurs, but self
was deallocated before the call closure, we would leave the record about the file that hasn’t been uploaded. Hence, capturing a weak reference to self
is not completely correct here. However, since it is obvious that we cannot capture self
as a strong reference to prevent a retain cycle – what should be done instead in that case?
Let’s try to separate the required actions from the optional ones. An object referenced by self
may be deallocated, but we have to remove the record from the database. With that said, we shouldn’t associate the database with the self
object, but rather use it separately:
func uploadFile(url: URL, completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
// Getting file content data from URL
// Creating file info
let fileInfoID = self.databaseController.createRecord(data: fileInfo)
self.databaseController.uploadBinaryData(fileContentData) { [weak self, databaseController] error in
if error != nil {
databaseController.removeRecord(recordID: fileInfoID)
} else if let strongSelf = self {
// Wait while server will make needed changes to file info
strongSelf.startTrackingOnServer(recordID: fileInfoID, completion: completion)
} else {
databaseController.removeRecord(recordID: fileInfoID)
Pay attention to the closure capture list. It is where we explicitly specify the databaseController
property. This will create a separate local variable inside the closure with the same name referencing this property. Since we didn’t add any modifier to it, the databaseController
is captured by a strong reference. While self
is still a weak reference, there won’t be any retain cycle – which is exactly what we need. As a result, the code is now consistent.
We remove the record from the database in case of an error or in case further action cannot be performed because self
got deallocated (also treating this case as an error).
So, what is the key difference between this code and the previous one? Previously, we were treating self
as the only source of our actions inside the closure. Because of that, the weak reference semantic of self
forced all actions to be optional.
By capturing the object as weak reference we’re saying: “Hey, I don’t need to force this object to live until the closure is executed. It may be deallocated before and that’s fine for me”. However, we forgot about one important thing. Namely, it’s not our real intention to make self
optional in the closure. Instead, we had to use weak self
reference in order not to produce the retain cycle, while some of our actions are required (removing redundant file info from database in case of an error).
Based on this example, we can draw some important conclusions. Even if the object is associated with self
(is its property), we should not treat self as a root object from which we take other objects inside the closure to perform calls on them. Instead, the properties of the self
object may be captured independently if needed.
Let’s take a look at a more generic, yet clear example.
func uploadFile(url: URL, completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
// Some preparations
// ...
self.someAsyncAction(parameter) { [weak self] in
guard let strongSelf = self else {
// ...
// These calls should be performed
strongSelf.someObject.requiredValue = someValue
// While these ones have sense only if self object still exists
strongSelf.otherObject.someOptionalValue = someOtherValue
// currentItem represents selected object that is required to be updated
// on closure call. Selection may be change several times before our
// asynchronous action completion
According to what we’ve just learned, self
should not be used in such way for all calls. Therefore, let’s make some corrections to our code. In this example some calls are required and some are optional. We can safely use self
for all optional calls. For each required one we should determine which object needs to be captured by a strong reference from the call chain like the following: strongSelf.oject0.object1...objectN.action()
. For the first two calls such principle object is obviously the someObject
property. The first one is a call of requiredToBeCalled()
method on it.
The second one assigns value to its requiredValue
property. Consequently, instead of getting it as a property of self
, we should directly capture someObject
in the closure. The next two lines manipulate with the otherObject
As seen in our example, these calls are optional. Meaning, they may be omitted if the object pointed by self
is deallocated (they don’t make sense without self
). The last line is a bit trickier. It has several properties in a call chain. Since the object on which the call is performed is represented by someProperty
, we may want to capture it directly. However, the actual value returned by anotherObject.currentItem
may (by definition) change. That is, the call to self.anotherObject.currentItem
inside the closure may return a different object from the one it was returning before someAsyncAction()
was called.
Thus, in case of capturing someProperty
, we may potentially use an object which is out of date and is returned by some old currentItem
, while the actual one will remain unchanged. Of course, for the same reason we should not capture the currentItem
object itself. So, the right choice here is the anotherObject
property which is the source of the actual currentItem
object. After rewriting the example according to our corrections, we will receive the following:
func uploadFile(url: URL, completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
// Some preparations
// ...
self.someAsyncAction(parameter) { [weak self, someObject, anotherObject] in
// ...
// These calls should be performed
someObject.requiredValue = someValue
// While these ones have sense only if self object still exists
if let strongSelf = self {
strongSelf.otherObject.someOptionalValue = someOtherValue
// currentItem represents selected object that is required to be updated
// on closure call. Selection may be change several times before our
// asynchronous action completion
In general, when we have a call chain as follows self.oject0.object1...objectN.action()
to determine which object from the chain should be captured, we should find objectK
that conforms to the following rule:
There are two ways of calling our action()
inside our closure:
1. Capture self
and use it as a root (or source) object (full call chain).
2. Using objectK
in closure directly (call subchain) should have exactly the same effect.
That is, if we were to substitute the call chain self.oject0.object1...objectK...objectN.action()
(capturing self
) in the closure with the subchain objectK...objectN.action()
(capturing objects pointed by objectK
at the moment of the closure definition) the effect of the call will be the same. In case there are several objects conforming to this rule, it’s better to choose the one that is the closest to the action (method call or property change). This will avoid redundant dependencies in the closure. For example, if in the call chain self.object0.object1.object2.object3.action()
we have object0, object1, object2
conforming to the rule, it’s better to use object2.object3.action()
in closure rather than object0.object1.object2.object3.action()
since the longest chain means more semantic dependencies – the source of our action will be object0
from which we get the next object1
and so on instead of using object2
Bring It All Together
Let’s now summarize our knowledge about the closure context. In cases where retain cycles may occur, we should be very careful with what we capture inside the closure. We should definitely not use the “weakify” – ”strongify” pattern in all cases as a rule of thumb. There is no “golden rule” here. Instead, we have a set of principles for writing the closure code that we should follow not only to resolve a retain cycle problem, but also to keep the closure implementation consistent. These are the following:
1. Determine the instance that can cause a retain cycle (self
or any other object the capturing of which can cause a retain cycle).
2. The code that is not related to this particular instance should be considered. Such code may perform actions on other objects or even types (including the type of our instance). Therefore, the code should be executed regardless of whether the instance exists inside the closure or not.
3. For the code which relates to the instance we should define which part of it is optional (may be omitted if instance is deallocated) and which part is required (should be called independently of instance existence).
4. For the optional code we may apply the “weakify” – ”strongify” pattern to the instance. That way, we’ll try to obtain a strong reference to that instance inside the closure using captured weak reference. And we’ll perform optional actions only if it still exists.
5. For performing required code we cannot apply reference to the instance. Instead, for each call chain like instance.property0.property1...propertyN.requiredAction()
we need to define what property to use for capturing the corresponding object in the closure. In most cases, however, it’s simple. For instance, in the example mentioned earlier for self.someObject.requiredToBeCalled()
call we choose someObject
to be captured.
Please note that the proposed solution isn’t only limited to capturing self
in closures. The principles listed above may be applied to any object that may cause a retain cycle inside the closure.
But let’s point out that we’re not defining strict rules. There are no such rules when it comes to closure context. What we’ve done here is we deduced some principles based on common use cases of closures. There may be other, much more complicated examples in real code. Sometimes it’s really challenging to choose what objects to retain inside the closure, especially when refactoring existing code. The main goal of this article is to give useful tips on how to deal with the closure context, how to have the right mindset when choosing the objects that should be used inside the closure and a correct reference semantic for them.
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