Enterprise Transition to Cloud-Native Technology Stack

Enterprise Transition to Cloud-Native Technology Stack

This project underscores the client’s transition from a traditional legacy system to a modern, cloud-native technology stack driven by Agile methodologies and DevOps practices.

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Client’s Transition to Cloud-Native with Agile Transformation and Consulting

The project’s aim was to update the large corporation’s traditional legacy systems to a contemporary cloud-native technology stack. This transformation was supported by Grape Up, which provided DevOps consultancy, Cloud Foundry installation services, and guided application migrations to a modern, cloud-native platform. An essential component was fostering an Agile application development culture facilitated through a Dojo/Lab experience.

Grape Up conducted training for the client’s architects, developers, and stakeholders to understand modern Agile processes. The platform installation was done in tandem with the client’s operators, enabling them to grasp the operational and troubleshooting aspects effectively. Furthermore, a dedicated team leveraged extreme programming (XP) to move existing applications to the new platform and develop new applications.

As a result, the client became a fully cloud-native company, adopting Agile and XP processes, restructuring teams around a DevOps model, and transitioning from monolithic systems to a microservices architecture based on the 12-factor approach.

The project resulted in quicker deployment of new applications and enhanced stability of the migrated systems, positioning our client for faster and more reliable delivery of services.

Client's Transition to Cloud-Native with Agile Transformation and Consulting

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