Bank’s Application Migration to Multi-Cloud Platform

Bank’s Application Migration to Multi-Cloud Platform

Grape Up undertook the challenge of streamlining the bank’s application development and deployment through migration to a multi-cloud solution.

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Improving Bank’s Innovation through Cloud Migration

A multinational banking and financial services company recognized the need to improve the quality of their applications and accelerate their time to market. To address these issues, they partnered with Grape Up for the migration of their existing applications from WebSphere to Pivotal Cloud Foundry.

A key element of the project was the direct knowledge transfer to the client’s developers via pair programming, which facilitated a hands-on learning experience throughout the migration process.

The creation of CI/CD pipelines from scratch was another significant component designed to enhance the development process and increase delivery speed. The completion of the project yielded immediate benefits, including faster development times and reduced infrastructure costs.

Moreover, the project led to marked improvements in software quality and the associated metrics, demonstrating the success of the migration and the effectiveness of the new development practices implemented.

This initiative not only improved the client’s operational efficiency but also positioned them better in the competitive financial services market by enabling quicker and more cost-effective application development.

Improving Bank’s Innovation through Cloud Migration

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