Insurance has always been an industry that relied heavily on data. But these days, it is even more so than in the past. The constant increase of data sources like wearables, cars, home sensors, and t...
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By 2023, there will be over 350 million connected cars on the road. What can the insurance industry do about it? It turns out that quite a bit, as automotive companies, introducing the latest techno...
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The car insurance industry is experiencing a real revolution today. Insurers are more and more carefully targeting their offers using AI and machine learning features. Such innovations significantly...
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As technology is evolving in the car insurance and data-defined vehicles markets, the generational cross-section of people who use them is also undergoing transformation. Currently, two generations,...
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Insurance companies, especially those focused on life and car insurance, in their offers are placing more and more emphasis on big data analytics and driving behavior-based propositions. We should e...
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Digitalization has changed the way we shop, work, learn and take care of our health or travel. Cars are no longer used just to get from A to B. They are jam-packed with technology that connects us t...
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Thanks to advancements in connected car technologies and the accessibility of personal mobile devices, insurers can roll out telematics-based services at scale. Utilizing telematics data opens the d...
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Insurance Innovators USA 2021, organized by Market Force Live, provided us with engaging sessions and insights into trends shaping the industry. We sum up key points and share our thoughts regarding...
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If we look at the claims adjustment domain from a high-level perspective, we will surely notice it is a very complex set of elements: processes, data, activities, documents, systems, and many others...
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Here we share our approach to automatic Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) detection and recognition using Deep Neural Networks. Our solution is robust in many aspects such as accuracy, gen...
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