A Day In The Life of a Business Development Manager


near 2 min of reading

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a Business Development Manager? Marcin Wiśniewski of Grape Up, shares his experience and tips for successful business development management.

1. Hi Marcin, what is your background?

It’s absolutely non-technical and I have a degree in Management and Marketing which can be quite unusual as for someone who works in IT. But I just can’t help the fact that I like all these outlandish tech gimmicks and news. And I like learning new things – which is the crucial part of my job.

2. Why did you decide on a career in business development?

I don’t recall making any big decision of a lifetime to work in sales. What I do know is that I have always wanted to have a career which would allow me to meet new people, discover new views of the world, new beliefs and opinions. I like to talk, travel, I like to be around. But what gives me a rush of adrenaline is the intensity which comes with the sales process. So maybe not intentionally, but I have found myself in the right place.

3. What does your typical day at the office look like? Is there a typical day at all?

I don’t really have a typical day at work. Of course, there are tasks or processes which are repetitive and we do them according to a pattern, but it’s always about a different company, different people, new conferences, new challenges. Therefore, each and every case requires an individual approach.

4. What do you love most about the job and what is its most challenging aspect?

I like it that we work in a niche part of the IT market mainly abroad. We cooperate with Fortune 500 companies which is the most exciting and challenging part of the job at once. Selling to Fortune 500 companies which are basically dream clients isn’t easy-peasy so once you do it, that’s something to be proud of!

5. What competencies do you think makes a good Business Development Manager?

I’m not sure how my colleagues from the industry would answer this question, but I like people, I like talking to them and, of course, learning new things. And my job incorporates all of it, which is exactly why I love what I do.

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