Automated E2E testing with Gauge and Selenium


near 14 min of reading

Everyone knows how important testing is in modern software development. In today’s CI/CD world tests are even more crucial, often playing the role of software acceptance criteria. With this in mind, it is clear that modern software needs good, fast, reliable and automated tests to help deliver high-quality software quickly and without major bugs.

In this article, we will focus on how to create E2E/Acceptance tests for an application with a micro-frontend using Gauge and Selenium framework. We will check how to test both parts of our application – API and frontend within one process that could be easily integrated into a CD/CD.

What is an Automated End-To-End (E2E) testing?

Automated end-to-end testing is one of the testing techniques that aims to test the functionality of the whole application (microservice in our case) and its interactions with other microservices, databases, etc. We can say that thanks to automated E2E testing, we are able to simulate real-world scenarios and test our application from the ‘user’ perspective. In our case, we can think of a ‘user’ not only as a person who will use our application but also as our API consumers – other microservices. Thanks to such a testing approach, we can be sure that our application interacts well with the surrounding world and that all components are working as designed.

What is an application with a micro-frontend?

We can say that a micro-frontend concept is a kind of an extension of the microservice approach that covers also a frontend part. So, instead of having one big frontend application and a dedicated team of frontend specialists, we can split it into smaller parts and integrate it with backend microservices and teams. Thanks to this fronted application is ‘closer’ to the backend.

The expertise is concentrated in one team that knows its domain very well. This means that the team can implement software in a more agile way, adapt to the changing requirements, and deliver the product much faster – you may also know such concept as a team/software verticalization.

micro-frontend application

Acceptance testing in practice

Let’s take a look at a real-life example of how we can implement acceptance tests in our application.

Use case

Our team is responsible for developing API (backend microservices) in a large e-commerce application. We have API automated tests integrated into our CI/CD pipeline – we use the Gauge framework to develop automated acceptance tests for our backend APIs. We execute our E2E tests against the PreProd environment every time we deploy a new version of a microservice. If the tests are successful, we can deploy the new version to the production environment.

CI/CD pipeline

Due to organizational changes and team verticalization, we have to assume responsibility and ownership of several micro-frontends. Unfortunately, these micro-frontend applications do not have automated tests.

We decided to solve this problem as soon as possible, with as little effort as possible. To achieve this goal, we decided to extend our automated Gauge tests to cover the frontend part as well.

As a result of investigating how to integrate frontend automated tests into our existing solution, we concluded that the easiest way to do this is to use Selenium WebDriver. Thanks to that, we can still use the Gauge framework as a base – test case definition, providing test data, etc. – and test our frontend part.

In this article, we will take a look at how we integrate Selenium WebDriver with Gauge tests for one of our micro-frontend pages– “order overview.”

Gauge framework

Gauge framework is a free and open-source framework for creating and running E2E/acceptance tests. It supports different languages like Java, JavaScript, C#, Python, and Golang so we can choose our preferred language to implement test steps.

Each test scenario consists of steps, each independent so we can reuse it across many test scenarios. Scenarios can be grouped into specifications. To create a scenario, all we have to do is call proper steps with desired arguments in a proper order. So, having proper steps makes scenario creation quite easy, even for a non-technical person.

Gauge specification is a set of test cases (scenarios) that describe the application feature that needs to be tested. Each specification is written using a Markdown-like syntax.

Visit store and search for the products

Tags: preprod 

Running before each scenario
* Login as a user <user> with password <password>

Search for products
* Goto store home page
* Search for <product>

Tear down steps for this specification
* Logout user <user>

In this Specification Visit store and search for the products is the specification heading, Search for products is a single scenario which consists of two steps Goto store home page and Search for <product>.

Login as a user is a step that will be performed before every scenario in this specification. The same applies to the Logout user step, which will be performed after each scenario.

Gauge support Specification tagging and data-driven testing.

The tag feature allows us to tag Specification or scenarios and then execute tests only for specific tags

Data-driven testing allows us to provide test data in table form. Thanks to that, the scenario will be executed for all table rows. In our example, Search for products scenario will be executed for all products listed in the testData.csv file. Gauge supports data-driven testing using external CSV files and Markdown tables defined in the Specification.

For more information about writing Gauge specifications, please visit: Gauge framework also provides us with a test report in the form of an HTML document in which we can find detailed information about test execution.

Test reports can be also extended with screenshots of failure or custom messages

For more information about framework, and how to install and use it, please visit the official page:

Selenium WebDriver

Gauge itself doesn’t have a capability for automating browsers, so if we want to use it to cover frontend testing, then we need to use some web driver for that. In our example, we will use the Selenium WebDriver.

Selenium WebDriver is a part of a well-known Selenium Framework. It uses browser APIs provided by different vendors to control the browsers. This allows us to use different WebDriver implementations and run our tests using almost any popular browser. Thanks to that, we can easily test our UI on different browsers within a single test execution

For more information, please visit:

To achieve our goal of testing both parts of our application—frontend and API endpoints—in the scope of one process, we can combine these two solutions, so we use Selenium WebDriver while implementing Gauge test steps.


If we already know what kind of tools we would like to use to implement our tests so, let’s take a look at how we can do this.

First of all, let’s take a look at our project POM file.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""


    <description>testautomation - user acceptance tests using gauge framework</description>





As we can see, all we need to do to use the Selenium WebDriver together with Gauge is add proper dependencies to our POM file. In this example, we focus on a Chrome WebDriver implementation, but if you want to use another browser—Firefox, Edge, or Safari—all you need to do is add the proper Selenium dependency and configure the driver.

Next, what we need to do to enable Chrome Selenium WebDriver is to configure it:

protected ChromeDriver setupChromeDriver()
    ChromeOptions chromeOptions = new ChromeOptions();
    // we should configure our environment to run chrome as non-root user instead
    // to run chrome in a headless mode
    // to avoid Chrome crashes in certain VMs
    return new ChromeDriver(chromeOptions);

And that’s all, now we can use Selenium WebDriver in the Gauge step implementation. If you want to use a different WebDriver implementation, you have to configure it properly, but all other steps will remain the same. Now let’s take a look at some implementation details.

Sample Specification

Create order for a login user with default payment and shipping address

Tags: test,preprod, prod

Running before each scenario
* Login as a user <user> with password <password>

Case-1: Successfully create new order
* Create order draft with item "TestItem"
* Create new order for a user
* Verify order details
* Get all orders for a user <user>
* Change status <status> for order <orderId>
* Fetch and verify order <orderId>
* Remove order <orderId>

Tear down steps for this specification
* Delete orders for a user <user>

In our example, we use just a few simple steps, but you can use as many steps as you wish, and they can be much more complicated with more arguments and so on.

Steps implementation

Here is an implementation for some of the test steps. We use Java to implement the steps, but Gauge supports many other languages to do this so feel free to use your favorite.

import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClientResponseException;
import com.thoughtworks.gauge.Step;

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull;

public class ExampleSpec extends BasicSpec
    @Step("Login as a user <user> with password <password>")
    public void logInAsAUser(final String login, final String password)
       final ChromeDriver driver = setupChromeDriver();
       login(driver, login, password);

    @Step("Create order draft with item <itemName>")
    public void createOrderDraft(final String itemName)
       OrderDraftRequest request = buildDraftRequest(itemName);
       ResponseEntity<String> response = callOrderDraftEndpoint(request);

       assertEquals(201, response.getStatusCodeValue());

    @Step("Create new order for a user")
    public void createOrder(final String itemName)
       final ChromeDriver driver = setupChromeDriver();

    @Step("Verify order details")
    public void verifyOrderDetails()
    final WebDriver driver = (WebDriver) ScenarioDataStore.get 
    final WebElement orderId = driver.findElement(By.tagName("order-id"));
    final WebElement orderDate = popLinkHeader.findElement(By.className("order-date"));
    private ResponseEntity<String> callOrderDraftEndpoint(final OrderDraftRequest request)
       ResponseEntity<String> response;
       final String traceId = generateXTraceId();"addToCart x-trace-id {}", traceId);
          response =
             .uri(uriBuilder -> uriBuilder.path(appConfiguration.getOrderDraftEndpoint())
             .header(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, "Bearer " + appConfiguration.getToken())
             .header("Accept-Language", "de")
       catch (final WebClientResponseException webClientResponseException)
          response = new ResponseEntity<>(webClientResponseException.getStatusCode());
       return response;

    private void login(final WebDriver driver, final String login, final String password)
       // find email input
       WebElement emailInput = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id=\"email\"]"));
       // find password input
       WebElement passwordInput = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id=\"password\"]"));
       // find login button
       WebElement loginButton = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id=\"btn-login\"]"));
       // type user email into email input
       // type user password into password input
       // click on login button;

    private void createOrder(WebDriver driver) {
       WebElement createOrderButton = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id=\"create-     
    private void validateWebElement(final WebElement webElement)

As we can see, it is fairly simple to use Selenium WebDriver within Gauge tests. WebDriver plugins provide a powerful extension to our tests and allow us to create Gauge scenarios that also test the frontend part of our application. You can use multiple WebDriver implementations to cover different web browsers, ensuring that your UI looks and behaves the same in different environments.

The presented example can be easily integrated into your CI/CD process. Thanks to this, it can be a part of the acceptance tests of our application. This will allow you to deliver your software even faster with the confidence that our changes are well-tested.

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